9/19 4 a.m. At this point I am used to things crashing, breaking, going missing, due to Asher taking any opportunity to try to get a hold of anything new and drop it in some random location. My office, to say the least, is not baby proof. If the door is left open… breadboards get ripped apart (“Uncomfortably Numb” circuit), wire leads on power supplies go missing, voltmeter ends up in the backyard, USBs get pulled out of ports(why is my mouse not working?) … stuff like that. Oh yeah, and using your acoustic guitar as a piggy bank. Usually Asher is sleeping at 4 a.m. in the morning; or at least he’s intermittently sleeping. Typically loud crashes are not common, the last time I had a loud crash like this in the night, it was due to me putting orange juice in my homemade ginger beer. Which turned into a 4 a.m. growler explosion, glass and all. I digress, our house gets very windy in the Fall, and I left my window open.
Thousands of capacitors and resistors completely unorganized, literally thousands. I am used to things interrupting my productivity in the laboratory. This was the first time that wind was the inhibiting factor. Here’s Asher’s recent computer session after the office door was left open, with him thinking, “Oh yeah, I did mean u.kin b 7 bnn”. I was proud to see he opened up Eagle CAD before hitting the search engine. Still not finished organizing and don’t think I will ever be. (8hrs later)