The Tone Fiend


Style: Boost/Overdrive

1- True bypass footswitch turns pedal on/off

2- 2.1mm DC power Jack 9VDC negative center pin

3- ¼” mono input jack

4- ¼” mono output jack

5- LED indicates if pedal is on/off

6- High Pass: Toggle Right to enjoy higher frequency cutoff

7- Low Pass: Toggle left into a lower cutoff

9- filter: Sweep from the corner of the high pass filter to the corner of the

10- Gain: High gain non-inverting gain. Knob fully counterclockwise attenuates the effect

Available on backorder



Have a need for overdrive with tone control you need all on one switch? Want some low pass filtering on your solo or high pass filtering? The Tone Fiend enables allows you to dial these with a single foot switch. Like all pedals in the “Fiend” series they allow your true guitar tone really shine, while adding volume texture and in this case your custom tailored filtering.